Travel,a Linux box created by HackTheBox user xct and jkr was a hard box, but was a real fun box. The Initial foothold was finding the .git folder on the blog-dev
and analyzing the code to see that there is a SSRF on memcached and a Deserielization on SimplePie combining both of them we can get a RCE on the box. Using which we can get a shell as www-data
enumerating we find a db-dump.sql on in /opt/ which have the user as lynik-admin
and a password hash. Cracking that we can get a shell as the user.Privilege Escalation on this box was something new for me it was using the ldapmodify and using the ability of ssh on ldap. We modify a user from ldap and change its UID and GID to 1000 and 117(docker) and quickly ssh to the box using that. now we can use docker to get a shell as root using gtfobins.