Ellignson,a Linux box created by HackTheBox user Ic3M4n, was an overall medium to hard difficulty box.The Initial foothold was getting werzeug
debugger and get a low privilege user then get the user by cracking the password for the user from shadow.bak
. Root on this box a binary exploitation to get a shell as root, which was hard for me but was really fun.
Nmap Scan
1 | # Nmap 7.70 scan initiated Sun May 19 00:30:53 2019 as: nmap -sC -sV -oN nmap/ellignson |
Web (Port 80)
Playing around on Port 80 we see there is somekind of failToban
setup. looking around more we find
crashes the app and exposed Werkzeug Debugger. This reminds me of the Patreon hack in 2015..
We can execute python functions to read list files and we find the user hal
from /etc/passwd
I tried grabbing the id_rsa
from /home/hal/.ssh/id_rsa
but that is encrtypted. I tried cracking it but had no luck.
So, I tried doing the opposite and writing to /home/hal/.ssh/authorized_keys
1 | f = open("/home/hal/.ssh/authorized_keys","a"); |
Low Privilege Shell
With the above steps we were able to ssh
as hal
in the box. but still no user.txt
After enumerating a little we see that hal
is in group adm
. Let’s try seeing which all files we can read with
1 | find / -group adm 2> /dev/null |
We find /var/backups/shadow.bak
file. It took us sometime but we were able to crack that with hashcat with rockyou.txt
and recover few passwords as theplauge
With the above passwords we try to ssh
as user margo
and we were able to get a shell as margo
with password iamgod$08
and we were able to read the user.txt

Privilege Root.
Enumerating we find /usr/bin/garbage
has SUID
bit set and is not a standard Ubutnu
A hint from the movie Hackers(1995) which this box is based on, the garbage file was a worm that the plague inserted to defraud Ellingson and a young hacker named Joey tried to download this file as evidence of his capabilities.
So we try to exuecute this file, it asked for a password which when we insert a huge password, it crashes the program, hece subjected to buffer overflow.
Checking if ASLR (Address Space Layout Randomization) is enabled on this box
1 | cat /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space |
is enabled on the machine.We have loaded the garbage in gdb-peda
The program crashed, looking at the RSP
we can tell where it starts to overwrite the pointer.

Using pattern offset we know that it is 136 characters.

We need to get some of the addresses now. Looking into
1 | objdump -D garbage | grep put |
we see plt_puts = 401050 and glt_puts = 404028
1 | readelf -s | grep puts |
Mapping ELF to get addresses of these
1 | System : 000000000004f440 |
We can also use pwntools
too to get all these information too.
1 | elf = ELF("./garbage") |
1 | junk = "A"*136 |
and we can create our stage 1 payload to leak puts address
1 |"Sending Payload") |
In Stage 2 of the payload we can SET UID 0
and try to get a shell
1 | libc.address = leak_puts - libc.symbols['puts'] |
This give us shell as root
on Ellignson

With this we have pwned Ellignson
Entire Script:
1 | from pwn import * |
Reference : I used lot of Bittermen guide by ippsec