OpenAdmin,a Linux box created by HackTheBox user dmw0ng, was an overall easy difficulty box.Initial Enumeration shows that only port 22 and port 80 to be opened.On Web we see that OpenNetAdmin
, searching the exploit we see an shell-script on exploitdb,using that we get a shell as www-data
. Enumerating we find a credentials for database checking if we have a password reuse on ssh
we try with both usernames and we get a hit as jimmy
and enumerating we find an internal service which was cating the id_rsa for joanna
and port-forwarding and getting the password,Cracking the passphrase we get user
. Root was pretty simple using nano
Initial Foothold
Lets start with nmap
1 | # Nmap 7.80 scan initiated Sat Jan 4 14:37:09 2020 as: nmap -sC -sV -oN nmap/openadmin |
Enumeration shows us that only port 22 and port 80 open.
Lets start with the web.
running gobuster
we see /music
and opening that we see a login link.
Opening the login we see it open /ona
which is a
looking on search-sploit we get see a exploit for that. but running it we see that is not working. analyzing that we see that have a epoch time. modifying that we see it work now.
Enumerating we find a db creds
and trying that password on ssh for password reuse we see it working for user jimmy
Enumerating jimmy we see in Apache config that there is a internal site on port 52846
also looking in the main.php in /var/www/internal
editing main.php and removing the session check we can curl or port-forward and get the id_rsa
1 | ssh -L 8000: jimmy@ |
port-forwarding to that using jimmy creds we can access this page and visiting the main.php we get the id_rsa key for joanna
using that credentials we can ssh as joanna
and have user.
and grab user.txt as c9b2cf07d40807e62af62660f0c81b5f
Privilege Escalation
Running sudo -l
on the box we see that we can run /bin/nano /opt/priv
without password.
looking gtfobins nano we can use that to get a shell as root.
and grab root.txt as 2f907ed450b361b2c2bf4e8795d5b561
and we have pwned OpenAdmin